We have all been there. You are in your home trying to find, your keys, your phone or an important document, you think I really need to get organised! But where do you start? By being organised you can save yourself time, money and be less stressed out when trying to find things. Here are just some of my tips to give you ideas on how to get organised...
1. Get a year diary- Have a diary and at the start of each week/month fill in any commitments, appointments,bills to pay, birthdays, etc.
2. To do list- Create a list of anything you need to do. They don't all have to be achieved in a week, it can be over any period of time but by writing it down, your are decluttering your mind.
3. Filing system- Get files and organise your important documents into different sections. Personal, bills, insurance, house, work...
4. Emails- Organise your emails by creating separate folders for anything you need to keep. This way you won't have to spend hours scrolling to find last week's meeting notes.
5. Clear space- Clean up any messy and keep a clear space where you do any work. Clear space=clear mind. Put the laundry in the basket, not on the floor. Get rid of any rubbish or recycling. Sort through that pile of paperwork on your desk.
6.Declutter-Get rid of things you do not use anymore, clothes you haven't worn in the past 6 months or anything that doesn't fit. Any receipts you don't need shred, outdated paperwork you don't need, any expired food, magazines you don't read...get rid of it!
7. Draw organisers- Get organisers to keep them tidy and so you don't have to keep rummaging around to find those batteries or that pen.
8. Laptop/Computer- Organised your documents into files and back them all up on an external hard drive.
9. Social media- Unsubscribe to the annoying junk emails you have been meaning too. Get rid of any friends, social pages that you don't follow any more or don't speak to.
10. 10 minute tidy- Everyday spend 10 minutes tidying. Just 10 minutes can make a huge difference.
For more ideas or tips on how to get organised, have an explore on Pinterest for some great ideas!
Cover Photo by Christine Donaldson on Unsplash