Being a student isn't cheap. There are textbooks to buy, rent to pay, food bills, those essentials and suddenly you are saying hello to your overdraft! How are we suppose to get organised and keep out of our overdrafts?
Last night I spent the evening looking for some great and completely free resources for students! The list below is what I found...
essay terms explained. - A handy one for freshers. You are set an assignment of an essay and some of the terms you don't get. Here is a list of the most common essay terms that are explained!
essay checklist . A handy checklist to help you with that tricky essay, don't forget the essentials.
essay planner . A guide to help you outline your essay!
weekly planner . A perfect way to help you plan your week out.
assignment planner . Help your brain out and write down your assignments, when its due, what class is it for? Details?
Assignment tracker. Keep track of all your assignments!
semester planner. Overview of your semester. Classes and timetable.
Class schedule sheet. Always handy to have on you.
punctuation chart. Refresh your memory on what those sneaky little punctuation marks mean and where you need to put them in.
daily plan sheet. Does what it says on the tin! Helps you keep your day organised and don't forget those small to do's.
25 free printable's to help keep you organised! Finances, cooking, labels, daily stuff,
Over 20 free printable resources, ranging from Finances, organisation and healthy living.
Go Concqr- an online app that is 'a personal learning environment that allows students & teachers to create, discover and share learning resources. Goconqr includes study tools to create Mind Maps, Flashcards, Notes and Quizzes.' (Goconqr, 2018).
Another great blog with free resources to check out is the organised student. This site is full of free printable's that are super helpful! I have used this site to help me with my studies. To get them right click on them and save as an image. Then print them off.
Book reading notes! Free printable to help if you have a handy book that you want to reference or need to read for class.
If anyone can suggest any more resources, please leave a link in the comment section! :)
Cover Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash