Today I am sharing with you my readers my reverse bucket list- A look at everything I have accomplished so far.
Whenever I feel down or doubtful I look back at this list of the things I have done, it is a lot and I am proud of myself for each thing. I consider myself to be pretty ambitious, to make something of my life.
So here it is…(in no particular order) my top 10 from my reverse bucket list;
1) Abseil- In 2011 I took a leap and abseiled off a 178 feet Transporter Bridge. This may not seem very high but I am terrified of heights even still to this day! It was super scary but also at the same time exhilarating, the rush of adrenaline I had was incredible.
2) Got into university– To some this may not sound like a huge achievement, but for me it was. I am Dyslexic and was told by my own college tutor I would not get into university, this broke me, I was crushed. Despite this I applied for 4 different courses and got offers for all four. I was stunned and pleased.
3) Alzheimer’s memory walk- Last year (2016) I walked 10K for Alzheimer’s Society. I did this walk in memory of my great grandparents who both sadly died a year apart of each other. I managed to raise £150 for the society.
4) Macmillan Coffee morning- Last September I held one of the Macmillan Coffee mornings. It was super fun and I baked most of the goodies and had a great time. I managed to raise £85.
5) Fought for something that is close to me– Whilst at university the campus I was living and studying on came under threat from closure. As the course representative I fought hard with many others to save the campus. Unfortunately the campus has been shut down BUT we did manage to save the main building which is a big part of the local history from being knocked down.
6) Mark on my family history– I have made my mark on my family history by being the first in the family to graduate (as I know of) from university! All of them were super proud of me and so was I. In the final few months of uni I came close to dropping out, the stress got too much for me, but I am so glad I didn’t.
7) Half Marathon Run– This was a big one! Again I was the very first in my family to run a half marathon and finish it! It was probably one of the hardest things I have done so far, but I ran it for Ty Hafan (A children’s charity) and I managed to raise an amazing £270! I have been crazy enough to sign up for it again this year.
8) Delivered a lamb– If someone had said to me 5 years ago that I would one day deliver a new born lamb, I would call them pure crazy. Last year though this happened… I had just came back from the vets and in the barn I could hear one of the Ewe’s (female sheep) shouting. I went in to find her lead down struggling to deliver, I didn’t even hesitate to jump in the pen where she was and gently deliver the lamb myself. It was very scary but incredible at the same time.
9) Christmas charity appeals- Last December I decided to take part in a few charity appeals. I firstly made 4 boxes for the homeless and collected from close friends and family a load of clothes. Secondly I sent a box of goodies to a dog centre, filled with toys, treats and bowls. Then lastly I took part in a Santa appeal and gave a 15 year old presents to open on Christmas. I felt so good from doing this and it gave a few people a smile on Christmas.
10) A Year’s experience to achieve a dream- Since I graduated last July year I have been working very hard to gain experience I need to take a step further in achieving my dream of becoming a tutor. I have been working with Adult learners helping the tutors teach them new skills and it has been very rewarding and a good learning experience for me.